chemical Research
Research is a critical thrust area for us because it is the foundation upon which our strategy of diversified markets, new products and quality products stands.
R & D Focus
“Utilisation of biomass for economically competitive and environmentally sustainable growth.” Which is based on following theme:
Farm to- Food
- Chemicals
- Energy
Farm to Food
The focus of this segment is on more effective utilization of existing agro resources viz. Sugarcane, Sugar , Molasses, Baggasse , Pressmud , Starch and Plantation to produce food products.
Farm to Chemical
Utilizing renewable resources as a source of chemicals. Development of new chemical building blocks and options for their utilization.
Farm to Energy
Utilizing renewable resources as a source of Energy.
R & D Philosophy
Environmental sustainability and development of renewable resources is the philosophy of research at KCP Sugar.
We believe that creation of intellectual wealth through research and development is key to future growth . Our R&D is a manifestation of our belief in quality and innovation. We have a large pool of dedicated and highly experienced chemists, with state-of the art R&D facilities and analytical development instrumentation to support their work. Somaiya research team comprising highly qualified scientists is continuously engaged in new research projects to aid process and technology development, chemical process enhancement and scale up. All this, coupled with the impressive infrastructure has enabled our R&D workforce to undertake the most challenging & complex chemical research.
R & D Activities
Our R&D activities can be categorised into Two classes:
Biomass derived Chemical products
Use of biomass to derive an array of products using appropriate catalytic or biochemical process. The goal is to manufacture a product slate, based on the best use of the feedstock components, which represents higher value products with no waste. The key areas are:
1) New Product and Process development. 2) Pilot studies and scale up. 3) Process optimisation and improvement.The research teams are further supported by our exhaustive library, made up of text books, journals, encyclopedias. A team of scientists works in this in-house library with the help of syndicated databases and latest software, to ensure quick and efficient literature/patent surveys and retrieval of information. These scientists work on synthetic routes, physico-chemical characteristics, MSDSs, patent filing, non-patent infringing alternate synthetic routes, analytical techniques.
R&D and pilot plant facilities
A state of the art R&D center is being created comprising sophisticated equipments and analytical instruments.
The pilot plant is equipped with glass assemblies, glass-lined reactors (GL), stainless steel (SS) reactors, centrifuges, filters, vacuum dryers, vacuum distillation unit, high pressure SS 316 autoclave etc. There are facilities to carry out reactions ranging from sub zero temperature to high temperature fusion reactions.
The scale-up studies to develop commercially feasible processes are done in pilot plants by a team of experienced scientists and chemists.