Managment Team
A General Manager who is an engineer by profession, heads the operations of both the sugar factories and has long association with the company. He posseses thorough knowledge in sugar technology and in manaaging the sugar factory.
He is supported by management team from the company’s well established agricultural, Engineering. Process, Personnel, Research, IT and Finance Departments at the manufacturing units. Most of the Team heads are having extensive experiance in their field and pioneer in Industry and carring premium.
The company’s marketting department is headed by a senior General Manager who is a legend in sugar trading is and well known in the Indian and Global sugar markets. His loyal and dedicated service to the company for the past several decades has made the company to flourish and go from strength to strength.
The company’s Financial and Secretarial division is driven by various finance professionals having vast experience in their respective field and associated with the company for the past several decades. They have been successful in augmenting short term and long term finance for various purposes on time for implementation of various schemes.The company’s Financials are rated among the best one in the sugar industry supported by good financial decipline.