Mega Rythu Sadassu is organized by the Company on periodical intervals every year and large number of cane growers used to participate in such meetings

The Company presents various awards in such Rythu Sadassu to leading and meritorious farmers who have made outstanding achievement in sugarcane cultivation viz higher yield, longer ratoon management, instant adoptation of various advanced technologies etc.

Gathering of Farmers At RYTHU SADASSU
Eminent scientists from various agricultural research institutes and universitys are invited to deliver speach on ways and means of achieving higher yields in sugarcane and the impact of management practices on cane yield and recovery, and to present a detailed account on sugarcane farming including among others on various aspects of management of soil, water, fertilizers, organic farming, use of weedicides and control of pests and diseases.

A Meritorious Farmer Felicitated for more Ratoons
The main objective of the farmers meet is to encourage them to take up sugarcane cultivation on large scale in the Company’s command area with the technical guidance and suggestions given by such eminent scientists in the meetings.