Carbon Credits
The Company had installed two bagasse-based Incidental Cogeneration Projects at its Sugar Complex at Vuyyuru and Lakshmipuram with a capacity of 15 MW and 5 MW respectively in the year 2005.
The power generated in these plants is consumed for in-house operations and surplus, if any, is exported to Grid. The export of surplus electricity generation displaces an equivalent amount of electricity that would otherwise have been generated in fossil fuel intensive grid connected power plants and thereby reduces equivalent amount of Green House Gases (GHGs) from these power plants.
These project activities had been registered with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a CDM Project Activity Ref: No. 1472 for Vuyyuru on 11.09.2008 and 1571 for Lakshmipuram on 13.06.2008.
The Carbon Emission Reduction achieved in these projects prior to registration, viz, Verified Emission Reduction (VER) have been voluntarily verified and banked with APX VCS Registry, USA. The process of verification of Carbon Emission Reduction achieved post-registration is under progress.
Both these plants are estimated to reduce carbon emission to the extent of 20,000 MT per season.