Board of Directors

Shri. Vinod R. Sethi, Executive Chairman
Shri Vinod R.Sethi, was born on 22 May 1962. He is a Chemical Engineer from Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, and an MBA (Finance) and a Beta Gamma Sigma Graduate from New York University. He established the Indian business for Morgan Stanley and was its Chief Investment Officer for 12 years, when the business grew in excess of USD 2 billion in assets. He is holding Directorship in a few other Companies as well.

Smt.Irmgard Velagapudi M.Rao, Managing Director
Smt. Irmgard Velagapudi M.Rao, was born on 18 September 1936. She is a German National and wife of late Sri. V.M.Rao, the Promoter of this Company, holds a German Diploma in Commerce and was instrumental in managing the Company even during the most difficult times for the industry and her sustained efforts had resulted in taking the company to its present position.

Smt. V. Kiran Rao, Executive Director
Smt. V. Kiran Rao, is a German national born on 18 December 1964. She is an Anthropologist, Historian and a graduate from the University of London and worked in various assignments in Europe and the United Kingdom. Under the leadership of her father, Sri.V.M.Rao, she had gained wide experience in sugar industry and related matters.

Shri. K.R.Adivarahan
Shri. K.R.Adivarahan, Born on 14 May 1962, is a Fellow member of Institute of Chartered Accountant of India with over two decades of rich experience in handling the accounts/audits and taxation of various public limited companies and is a Director in a few Private Limited Companies.

Shri. K. Kalyanaraman
Mr. K. Kalyanaraman, was born on June 29, 1945. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Enginnering from Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai and has done Masters of Technology (M.Tech) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He has rich and varied experience of more than 55 years in Mechanical Engineering, having done extensive research on both Pneumatic and Hydraulic Conveying of Solids and has authored various publications relating to this subject and has notable accomplishments in developing plant for Hydraulic Conveying of solid materials.

Shri. R. Bakthavatsalam
Mr. R. Bakthavatsalam, was born on December 12, 1937. He is a distinguished alumnus from Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, having done a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Enginnering; Diploma in Management Studies & Operations Research from University of Aston, United Kingdom and has also done Diploma in Industrial Engineering from Institute of Work Study United Kingdom. He is a Fellow member of Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering.

Smt. Malini Narasimhan
Ms. Malini Narasimhan, was born on November 21, 1964. She is a Bachelor of Science (Nutrition and Dietetics) from Women’s Christian College, Chennai, is an Event planner and renowned wedding designer for past 25 years, known for her traditional decor with hand-crafted flowers and garland makers. She was on the Committee on The Crafts Council, and has been part of many work which dates back centuries-old garland making craft from Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Shri. Vinod R. Sethi | 00106598 | Executive Chairman |
Smt. Irmgard Velagapudi M.Rao | 00091370 | Managing Director |
Smt. V. Kiran Rao | 00091466 | Executive Director |
Shri. K. R. Adivarahan | 00019844 | Independent Director |
Shri. K. Kalyanaraman | 01761928 | Independent Director |
Shri. R. Bakthavatsalam | 10459064 | Independent Director |
Smt. Malini Narasimhan | 10480822 | Independent Director |